The Kill By Kill Body Count
Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time
Friday the 13th Part 7 vol 5 (w/ Lindsay Katai & Kelly Nugent)
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:25:24

Friday the 13th Part 7 vol 5 (w/ Lindsay Katai & Kelly Nugent)

Thank Jason It’s OVER! Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood may now be dry, but we’re celebrating this accomplishment with two insanely funny guests: Lindsay Katai & Kelly Nugent from Feral Audio’s Teen Creeps podcast! Revelations contained within include (but are not limited to) the true name of Mrs. Sheppard, Corey Feldman live show reviews and what it’s like to be “a rat in a pillowcase.” Plus, is Melissa secretly a 45-year-old woman with a thriving pyramid scheme racket on the side? Is the shin the most misunderstood erogenous zone? Also, we introduce the world to our new sponsor: Loot Kill! All this and the final Choose Your Own Death-venture of Part 7. Creeps + Killers = a damn good time! Also, every other Lifetime original movie title. 


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The Kill By Kill Body Count
Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time
In each episode, Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe unpack all the gory details of horror cinema's least discussed topic: the characters. From Friday the 13th to Nightmare on Elm Street and beyond, our mission is to detail each hack, slash, and decapitation in the hopes that a victim's untimely end is just the beginning of the jokes we can make about them.